• Summary

                 "Business Incubator for Biotechnology (BIB) is a business incubator specialized in biotechnology in Egypt. It is a technological research incubator whose goal is to create and build start-up companies based on the outputs of scientific research in various industrial biotechnology fields, and their applications such as enzymes and microorganisms to make products on a large scale in industrial sectors, including chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, feed, detergents, paper, pulp, textiles, energy, materials and polymers. This is achieved through the integration of research and its outputs in the various fields of biotechnology and the business incubator for biotechnology. The main objective of establishing the incubator is to localize, adapt and prepare biotechnology to serve the national economy. Introducing the Egyptian society to biotechnology and its role in developing and building the Egyptian local market and linking it to continuous development in the international market. Building cadres and entrepreneurs capable of facing changes in the labor market and continuing to build and develop. As well as providing the individuals joining the incubator with training, education, and refining the skills and possible means and services to reach the desired goal. Strengthening cooperation and partnership between the incubator and local and international institutions in the fields of biotechnology.



  • Achievements



  • List of Publications from the Project



  • Partners

    • Creative Egyptian Biotecnologists (CEB)
  • Project Members

  • Project Leaders

  • Project PI

    Ashraf Bakry Abdu Hassan Abdel Razik

  • Faculty

    Faculty of Agriculture

  • Research Group

  • Funding Agency

    Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT)

  • Funding Program

    National Technology Incubators Program ( INTILAC)

  • Start Date


  • End Date


  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    • 4: Quality Education
    • 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    • 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    • 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
  • Project website