• Summary

    During the past decade, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have made their mark as a potential weapon in regenerative medicine applications for various diseases. Among all the sources of MSCs, umbilical cord tissue - Wharton’s jelly (WJ) specifically provide several advantages over other sources. Interestingly, the therapeutic effects of stem cells occur largely via paracrine signaling. Exosomes secreted by MSCs have been reported to mediate such effects. They act as shuttles transferring specific cargos and can reprogram the recipient cells controlling fundamental cellular functions. Exosomes sparked great interest as a possible cell-free alternative to current stem cell therapies. One disorder that stands to benefit from advances in regenerative medicine and exosome research is diabetes mellitus (DM); a devastating metabolic disease in which insulin secreting β-cells are damaged to various extents. DM is growing in an alarming rate and currently affecting 537 million people worldwide and unfortunately Egypt is one of the top ten countries regarding its prevalence. Accordingly, in the current project, we sought to isolate exosomes derived from WJ-MSCs and investigate their possible therapeutic potential on β-cell dysfunction being a hallmark of DM. We shall use an in-vitro model of glucolipotoxicity β-cell dysfunction model mimicking the diabetic milieu. By the end of this project, hopefully, we will have a well-established line of exosome research here in Ain Shams University. Meanwhile, this project will implement new concepts and cutting-edge research techniques in Egypt. Additionally, from an economic perspective, it will help to utilize something considered as waste; the umbilical cord to derive bio-factories (WJ-MSCs) for therapeutic molecules, Namely, WJ-MSCs-derived exosomes. Besides, it will strongly augment the participation of the Arab world in the rapidly evolving regenerative medicine applications.

  • Achievements

  • List of Publications from the Project

  • Partners

  • Project Members

  • Project Leaders

  • Project PI

    Dina Hamada Kassem

  • Faculty

    Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Research Group

  • Funding Agency

    Ain Shams University - ASU

  • Funding Program


  • Start Date


  • End Date


  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    • 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • Project website