• Position

    Assistant Professor

  • Faculty

    Faculty of Science

  • Department


  • Fields of Interest

    Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning: Explainable A.I. / Multi-agent systems / K.R.R. / E-Learning / H.C.I. / Formal Methods & Logics / Analogical Reasoning / Computational Creativity / Cognitive Modeling 

  • List of Publications

    - Mahmoud M. Abdelhamied, Yasser M. Abd El-Latif, Ahmed Abdelfattah, and Fayed M. Ghaleb. A Novel Method for Recognizing Sketched Objects by Learning Their Geometrical Features. J. of Env. Sci., CS, and Eng (JECET), 9(2):214–223, 2020.

    - Ahmed Abdelfattah and Ulf Krumnack. Semantics of Analogies from a Logical Perspective. KI -Künstliche Intelligenz, 33(3):243–251, Sep 2019.

    - Nashwa Abdelghaffar, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Azza Taha, and Soheir Khamis. Accentuating Features of Description Logics in High-Level Interpretations of Hand-Drawn Sketches. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 33(3):253–265, Sep 2019.

    - Rania Mohamed, Nourhan Abu-Shahba, Marwa Mahmoud, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Wael Zakaria, and Mahmoud ElHefnawi. Co-regulatory network of oncosuppressor mirnas and transcription factors for pathology of human hepatic cancer stem cells (hcsc). Scientific Reports, 9(1):55–64, 2019.

    - Ahmed Abdelfattah and Wael Zakaria. Employing a restricted set of qualitative relations in recognizing plain sketches. In Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Johannes Fürnkranz, and Matthias Thimm, editors, KI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 10505 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 3–14, 2017.

    - M. Martinez, Ahmed Abdelfattah, U. Krumnack, D. Gómez-Ramírez, A. Smaill, T. R. Besold, A. Pease, M. Schmidt, M. Guhe, and K.-U. Kühnberger. Theory blending: extended algorithmic aspects and examples. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 80(1):65–89, 2017.

    - Ahmed Abdelfattah, Wael Zakaria, Nashwa Abdelghaffar, Nohayr Abdelmoneim, Stefan Schneider, and Kai-Uwe Kühnberger. A Preliminary Assessment of the Role of Conceptual Salience in Automatic Sketching. In Antonio Lieto, Mehul Bhatt, Alessandro Oltramari, and David Vernon, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, volume 1895, pages 81–92. CEUR-WS, 2016.


  • Research Groups

  • Projects

  • Email


  • Link of personal website

  • CV
